To add Hyuuga Cancels you have to understand 4 Flags that work together, but only need to actually add 3 of them


This flag needs to be placed at the start of the move and if it is placed alone it will allow an instant cancel. This flag indicates to the game that the move is cancel-able


This flag will tell the game to start accepting the Y input for a Hyuuga Cancel, this flag exists to allow you to buffer Hyuuga Cancels. if you put it later than the start of the move you can make the timing to do a Hyuuga Cancel stricter.


This Indicates the window in which the game will allow the Hyuuga Cancel to happen. The window is from the first frame this flag is active until the first hitbox appears of a move. You place this to prevent cancels from coming out too early


Rev 3 Hinata 6A compared to Neji 6A


This Flag does the actual Hyuuga Cancel, you can ignore this, the game generates it by itself if you did the other flags right, you don't need to put it anywhere in the hex. If you do put it in the hex it will force the move to cancel itself no matter your input.

Fail Safes:

Hyuuga Cancels have a few failsafes to prevent unintended situations

  1. Hyuuga cancels cannot come out or be buffered during a jump state. You can get around this by changing the moves jump state to a stand or sit but that will have consequences elsewhere