Naruto 5Bs pre-data

04 03 66 00 - seems to be header stating that the move has something special about it, seen in itachi's moves that have clones

00 00 08 54

3F 00 00 00

00 00 00 02

01 34 00 00 - pointer header

00 01 DB EC - start of the function data that describes naruto's second mode's 5B

Itachi 6A pre-data

04 03 66 00

00 00 00 00

3F 00 00 00 - seems to be another header describing what it is?

01 00 00 00 - looks almost like flag

01 34 00 00 - pointer header

00 01 CB D0 - address for the function the clone does

Changing any of Naruto's move pre-data to itachi's move pre-data for clones seems to break whatever is happening, when you attempt to do move in Naruto's 2nd state, it does the normal move, this is not immediately obvious for his 5B, but it is noticeable for his 6B

if you have 04 02 66 00 instead of 04 03 66 00 it will not expect a pointer header & pointer

Characters to look at

Things To Try

point itachi clone moves to idle, see if despawn